Audio/Video Appearances & Interviews | Visiting Lectureships | Lectures
This page documents past lectures. For upcoming appearances, please vist the Current page.
Selected Audio/Video Appearances
- Discussing John Ashbery with Karin Roffman, lecture at the Leon Levy Center for Biography on December 11, 2018
- An Affair of Taste: Reading in the Kitchen, lecture at the Penn Humanities Forum on Translation, November 9, 2016
- Guest on Tyler Green's Modern Art Notes Podcast, discussing the Modern Art Cookbook, August 22, 2013
- Guest on CUNY-TV's Canapé, June 20, 2012
- Discusses the Surrealists in ""Dreams and Visions," the second episode of WNET's Art Through Time: A Global View, 2011
- Podcast of "Writing in Bloomsbury: E. M. Forster, Virginia Woolf, and Vita Sackville-West", recorded at Northwestern University on February 3, 2010
- Interview for CUNY Radio: Newsmakers, September 30, 2009
- Manifesto You podcast for the Poetry Foundation, March 3, 2009
- Guest on Cross Cultural Poetics, a radio show hosted by Leonard Schwartz, (broadcast on KAOS 89.3FM, Olympia Community Radio, soon to be available as a podcast). She discussed her translations of Capital of Pain by Eluard and Approximate Man by Tzara, both published by Black Widow Press. December 7, 2007
- Interview on CUNY-TV's Canapé about the Yale Anthology of Twentieth Century French Poetry, June 23, 2005
- Guest on Wisconsin Public Radio's To The Best of Our Knowledge, segment on Surrealism, February 13, 2005
- Appears in two films by Fabrize Maze about Jacqueline Lamba: L'Amour fou d'André Breton and La peinture jusqu'au bout du ciel, which premiered on February 10, 2005 at La Scam
- Guest on the BBC's Nightwaves, speaking on Surrealism, November 18, 2004
- Interviewed in Lizzie Thynne's documentary about Claude Cahun, Playing a Part, 2004
- Guest on "The Legacy of Surrealism," hosted by Dick Gordon, on The Connection (WBUR radio program), February 27, 2002
- Guest on "Imagination without chains - Surrealism on 3," host Richard Coles, Tate video webcast, September 25, 2001
- "Picasso's Weeping Woman," interview by Frances Degen Horowitz on Women to Women (CUNY radio program), January 11, 2001
- Guest on CUNY-TV's Canapé, December 1, 1999
- Chair, panel for conference "Out of the Academy and Into the World, with Carolyn G. Heilbrun," October 30, 1992
Visiting lectureships
- Missouri Southern State University: September 27-29, 2006
- Indiana University: two weeks of lectures, etc. spring, 2004
- Washington University in St. Louis: five lectures, 2002
Lectures (selection since 1988 only)
- "Letteral Political Poetics: Ian Hamilton Finlay and his Scottish Play," at "Eroticism, Poetic Concretism, and Visuality (1960-1970)," conference at the Musée national d'art moderne Centre Pompidou, Paris , September 17-18, 2021
- Dialogue with Emma Keller, presentation of The Tale of Two Cities for the Dickens Reading Group, The Century Association, February 11, 2021
- Presentation and discussion on Valery, Celan and Ungaretti at 192 Books, December 1, 2020
- Panelist, Under the Dome: Paul Celan at 100, Zoom reading and discussion sponsored by City Lights, November 23, 2020
- Talk about Frank O'Hara's translation of Pierre Reverdy's "Chair Vive" and his "Lunch Room" at MOMA for the University of Udine's class on contemporary poetics, November 3, 2020
- "Minimal Mags, Maximal Force," at Vivian L. Smith Foundation Symposium: Little Magazines: The Revolution Will Be Circulated, The Menil Collection, Houston TX, May 16, 2019
- Turnstyle Reading Series, Center for the Humanities, April 18, 2019
- full day on Zaum, Columbia University, March 8, 2019
- talk on Jacqueline Lamba's letters at the College Art Association Annual Conference, February 14, 2019
- interviewing Karin Roffman about her book The Songs We Know Best: John Ashbery's Early Life, CUNY Graduate Center, December 11, 2018
- talk about Milk Bowl of Feathers and discussion with Margaret Carson on her new publication about Remedios Varo, Book Culture 112th St, November 27, 2018
- reading translations of Alice Rahon's poems (November 2) and "'Family Matters': on André Breton, Jacqueline Lamba, Aube Elléouët; and Yves Elléouët;," (November 3) at Surrealisms: Inaugural Conference of the ISSS, Bucknell University, November 1-4, 2018
- talk about Ideas Have No Smell: Three Belgian Surrealists Booklets with the publisher and translator, Printed Matter, October 11, 2018
- talk with Stephanie d'Alessandro about Milk Bowl of Feathers, 192 Books, October 9, 2018
- reading from and discussion of the Long Poem in Mina Loy's The Lost Lunar Baedeker and Tristan Tzara's Approximate Man, Poets House, September 27, 2018
- Presentation of Snail Time (Postmedia Books), Museum of Contemporary Art (MACRO), Rome, October 2, 2018
- "Dwelling Dadaistically: Celebrating Marcel Duchamp" MACRO, October 3, 2018
- "Henry James: The Golden Bowl," for the Century Association, New York, May 18, 2018
- "The Poetics of Surrealist Presentation: Joseph Cornell, Robert Motherwell, and Leo Castelli," at the Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte conference on Networks, Museums and Collections: Surrealism in the United States, Paris, November 29, 2017
- "Poetic Connections In and Over Time," keynote address for the symposium Illuminations: Poets, Artists, and the Book, Legion of Honor Museum, San Francisco, October 7, 2017
- Reading of poetry in translation for Black Widow Press, New Orleans, October 5, 2017
- Moderator and participant, panel discussion on Artistic Revolutions and The Great War, Albertine Books, March 27, 2017
- "Provocation," panel discussion in conjunction with Provocateur: From Picabia to Prince at the Edward Ressle Gallery, March 7, 2017
- "A Matter of Taste,", University of Hamamatsu, November 14, 2016
- "Violence Out and In: the explosive erotics of dada and surréalisme," keynote for colloquium Images of 20th Century Wars: From Cubism to Surrealism, Nagoya University, November 12, 2016
- "An Affair of Taste: Reading in the Kitchen,", Penn Humanities Forum, University of Pennsylvania School of Arts and Sciences, November 9, 2016
- "Nicolas Calas: doing Surrealism His Way," plenary lecture for Regarding Nicolas Calas, Athens School of Fine Arts, October 21, 2016
- Panelist, Jane's Scholarly Legacy Plenary Roundtable at the Jane Marcus Feminist University conference, CUNY Graduate Center Center for the Humanities, September 9, 2016
- "Dadaglobe Reconstructed: A Discussion of the Artworks & Texts," conversation with Adrian Sudhalter, moderated by Samantha Friedman, New York Public Library, September 6, 2016
- "Robert Motherwell at Black Mountain," Modernist Studies Association Conference, Boston, November 20, 2015
- Art League Lecture on The Modern Art Cookbook, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, October 8, 2015
- Reading of Pierre Reverdy translations at the Tanja Grunnet Gallery, with Betsy McClelland's composition about translations of Reverdy, New York, October 4, 2015
- "What is This Thing Called Poetry," Baton Rouge, October 15, 2015
- "Visualising Modernism," University of Portsmouth, June 24, 2015
- "Always" in the American Prose Poem, University of Liege, April 21, 2015
- lecture on Natures mortes delicieuses for Michel Delville's class on Eat Art, University of Liege, April 20, 2015
- lecture on Mina Loy's Manifestos, New York University, April 10, 2015
- Visiting Scholar Program at the University of Colorado's Department of Art and Art History, Colorado Springs, April 2015. April 6: Lecture on Joseph Cornell and Toward.... April 7: Class on Modernism.
- Featured reader (Dada and Surrealist poetry) at Glaring Omissions: Translators Translating event at The Golden Notebook, Woodstock, NY, March 8, 2015
- "Translating René Char," Princeton University, February 27, 2015
- introducing Colin Dayan's lecture, Graduate School, CUNY, February 26, 2015
- "Casting the Talismanic Spell,", College Art Association 104th Annual Conference, New York, February 14, 2015
- Panelist, Translational Aesthetics: Patterns of Interference, Center for the Humanities, CUNY Graduate Center, January 30, 2015
- "Woolf and Memory," for the International Virginia Woolf Society, at the MLA in Vancouver, January 10, 2015
- Participant in the roundtable French Surrealism: A Revolution of the Mind, The Helix Center for Interdisciplinary Investigation, December 6, 2014
- Special guest at Mishi-maya-gat Spoken Word & Music Series, Manchester Community College, Manchester CT, November 20, 2014
- On the American prose poem, in honor of Mary Caponegro, University of Udine, November 3, 2014
- Talk on Georges Malkine for the exhibit Georges Malkine: Perfect Surrealist Behavior, Woodstock Artists Association and Museum, October 11, 2014
- Speaker on "Cornell's Influence," at The New School's How To Build a Box: the Life and Art of Joseph Cornell, October 10, 2014
- "Visual Proust," The Century Association, May 29, 2014
- On The Modern Art Cookbook - Arkansas Literary Festival, Little Rock, April 26, 2014
- On The Modern Art Cookbook - Conversation (Mary Ann Caws, Wayne Koestenbaum, Andrew F. Smith, Arezoo Moseni), New York Public Library Art and Food Series, February 26, 2014
- On The Modern Art Cookbook, Mid-Manhattan Library, New York, January 12, 2014
- On The Modern Art Cookbook, Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, January 10, 2014
- On Its Surreal Thing: The Temptation of Objects, exhibition at the Sheldon Museum of Art, Lincoln, Nebraska, December 3, 2013
- On The Modern Art Cookbook, National Arts Club, New York, November 21, 2013
- On Martha Graham and Surrealism, for PERFORMA, Martha Graham Studio Theater, New York, November 19, 2013
- Panel discussion on the exhibition Surrealism and the rue Blomet, Eykyn Maclean Gallery, New York, November 8, 2013
- On The Modern Art Cookbook, 192 Books, New York, November 5, 2013
- On The Modern Art Cookbook, YMHA (92nd St Y), October 22, 2013
- Panelist on "The Translator & The Editor: A Fraught Relationship," Book Expo America, May 31, 2013
- "Peter Eisenman's Gifts," Yale School of Architecture, October 13, 2012
- "Symbolism," New York Botanic Garden, August 12, 2012
- "Mallarmé," New York Botanic Garden, June 10, 2012
- "Looking after Surrealism: Objects, Parodies, and Obsessions," for the Resurrection of the Rose Museum, Brandeis, October 1, 2012
- "Robert Motherwell," Ashveille Art Museum, May 10, 2012
- Panelist on The Gertrude Stein Paradox, coinciding with the Met's exhibition "The Steins Collect: Matisse, Picasso and the Parisian Avant-Garde." SVA, April 2, 2012
- Participant in "Conflicts in Translation: A Tribute to Serge Gavronsky," Barnard College, April 20, 2012
- "SurRealizing Women", talk as Visiting Critic at Hollins University, March 1, 2012
- Chair of "Crisis and Continuity: The Avant-Garde in Its Time"; participant in the roundtable "Literature and Other Arts in the Twenty-First Century: Intermediality, Interart Studies, Media History?" at the Modern Language Association Convention, Seattle, January 8, 2012
- Reader in the marathon reading of Frederic Tuten's The Adventures of Mao on the Long March, Jane Hotel, New York, December 4, 2011
- "Magnificent Obsessions: Theirs and Ours," keynote address at Hazel Rowley symposium for the Australian Society for French Studies, Adelaide, November 18, 2011
- "How Bachelard Matters Now" and "Bachelard on Architecture and Cornell's Boxes" at the Longing for Beauty conference, Dallas Institute, November 10, 2011
- Reading from Furor and Mystery (René Char translation) at the National Arts Club, November 7, 2011
- "Rembering Patricia Terry: Translating Together," Poway, California, November 4, 2011
- Participant in panel on French poetry, Graduate Center, CUNY, October 31, 2011
- Talk on Edouard Glissant at the CUNY Graduate Center 50th Anniversary, October 25, 2011
- Participant in panel on Inter/intradisciplinary Studies, Graduate Center, CUNY, October 21, 2011
- Artists and Writers program with Linda Nochlin, Leon Levy Center for Biography at CUNY, October 18, 2011
- "Strangely: Surrealist Portraits and Self-Portraits," Rewald Seminar for the CUNY Art History program, September 6, 2011
- Reading from René Char: Furor and Mystery, Woodstock, NY, May 15, 2011
- "Edouard Glissant: je me rappelle," Graduate Center, CUNY, April 14, 2011
- "Edouard Glissant: Le Sel Noir," NYU, March 4, 2011
- Participant in meanwhile..., a panel discussion on time in narrative, for Foxy Production, New York, January 29, 2011
- "The Illustrated Book," part of the History of Art Series: Book Arts Collaborations at the Center for Book Arts, New York, January 28, 2011
- Chair of jury for the thesis defense of Martine Monteau, on "L'insaisie. Jacqueline Lamba (1910-1993): éléments de recherché biographique dans le context historique," Paris, January 22, 2011
- "Dora Maar and Pablo Picasso," Seattle Art Museum, January 14, 2011
- Post-performance discussion of The Blue Flower,, Loeb Drama Center, Cambridge MA, December 7, 2010
- "Consuming Dada" and panelist for "Wittgenstein's Modernisms," Modernist Networks (12th Modernist Studies Association conference), Victoria, BC, November 12-14, 2010
- "Artful Poetics: the Poem and the Painting," Cambridge University, keynote address for the Poetic Practice and the Practice of Poetics in French since 1945 conference, July 17, 2010
- "Surrealizing the House," Barbican Center, London, July 15, 2010
- Conversation with Edith Grossman, about Grossman's book Why Translation Matters, New York?, June 2, 2010
- "The Mountain and the Poem: Living Char's Landscape," New York University (Translation Conference), May 22, 2010
- "Seeing Strange: Surrealist Photography," International Center of Photography, New York, May 5, 2010
- "Arakawa/Gins: Re-Meanings of Meaning," Guggenheim Museum, May 1, 2010
- "Salvador Dali's Hidden Faces," Catalan Center, New York University, April 22, 2010
- "Writing and Painting in Bloomsbury," Smith College, April 14, 2010
- "Picasso's Prints and Dora Maar,", Museum of Modern Art, April 10, 2010
- Moderator of Psychoanalytic Aspects of Biography Panel Discussion at the New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute, New York, March 9, 2010
- "Ins and Outs: Surrealism, Bloomsbury, and the Sense of Drama," College Art Association Annual Conference, Chicago, February 11, 2010
- "Writing In Bloomsbury: E. M. Forster, Virginia Woolf, And Vita Sackville-West", Northwestern University, February 3, 2010
- "Some Varieties of Religious Representation, from the Pieta of Avignon to Dali and Warhol," St. James lecture series, Wilmington, North Carolina, January 29, 2010
- talk on translation as part of a reading by poets Wang Jiaxin and Moikom Zeqo, at Housing Works Used Book Café, New York, December 4, 2009
- Theory of "Relation and Difference"/Roots & Imaginary Offshoots: Ecstatic Difference panelist as part of Édouard Glissant: One World in Relation, New York University Cantor Film Center, November 18, 2009
- "Salvador Dali," Le Cocktail Français, National Arts Club, November 12, 2009
- Co-moderator of "Eat Your Words! when writers speak of food," organized by organized by the Goethe-Institut New York, the Cultural Services of the French Embassy, Instituto Cervantes New York and Istituto Italiano New York, November 9, 2009
- Panel on "Catalan Poetry", Salmagundi Club, New York, November 6, 2009
- Presentation on Provencal Cooking: Savoring the Simple Life in France, Harvard Club, October 28, 2009
- "René Char and His Painters," at The Book Beautiful (annual conference American Printing History Assocation), October 17, 2009
- "Whistler, James, Proust, and the Venice Biennale," University of Quebec in Montreal, September 16, 2009
- "Fitting in the Pen: Writing Around Your Regular Life," and "Psst: Your Research is Showing," for the James River Writers, Richmond VA, September 9, 2009
- "James and Proust: Reimagining Venice," City Images conference, Canadian Centre for Architecture, August 29, 2009
- "Surrealism and Beyond: Paul Eluard and René Char" with Nancy Kline and Lois Oppenheim, The Philoctetes Center for the Multidisciplinary Study of Imagination, at the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, May 13, 2009
- Panel presentation of From the Dark Spring of Language: The Poetry & Prose of Unica Zürn, The Drawing Center, April 23, 2009
- "Manifeste du monde: Tradition, Translation, and Trip," at the Littérature-monde: New Wave or New Hype? International Conference, February 12-14, 2009
- Interviewed John Richardson for the Ryerson Lecture and Reception, Yale University Art Gallery, 5:30pm, January 29, 2009
- Book launch party: "Writing the Memoir/Cookbook Provençal Cooking," presented by Le Cocktail Français, National Arts Club, December 11, 2008
- "Manifesto of Littérature-monde — in the manifesto tradition," Graduate Center, CUNY, November 14, 2008
- "How to Get Published," Graduate Center, CUNY, October 31, 2008
- Keynote address at the Katherine Mansfield Centenary Conference, Birkbeck, University of London, "K.M.: the Jump Experience," September 4, 2008
- Opening speaker at The Norwegian Critics' Association seminar on Manifestos, at the The Norwegian Festival of Literature in Lillehammer, Norway, May 29th, 2008. The NCA used MANIFESTO: A century of Isms, Modernist Manifestos and Statements, by Professor Caws, in planning and researching the seminar.
- "Celebrating: Spring for us all," keynote address for "Why Study Women's Poetry?" conference at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, NY, April 5, 2008
- Participant in a "talkback" session for the play The Blue Flower, produced at the Prospect Theater, Febrary 24, 2008
- "What to Wear in a Vampire Movie," at Fashion and Film - A Seminar in Honor of E. Ann Kaplan, The Humanities Institute at Stony Brook Manhattan, February 23, 2008
- "Experimental Wanderings in the Drawings of Robert Desnos," College Art Association Annual Conference, Dallas, February 21, 2008
- "French Contractions in the Aphoristic Mode," in the The Theory and Practice of Literary Translation University Professor Programs series at Boston University, January 8, 2008
- Reading of new translations of poems by René Char as part of the Off the Rail: Selections from Brooklyn Rail series, Brooklyn Public Library, December 13, 2007
- "Eugene Guillevic et la poésie newyorkaise," University College Dublin, September 21, 2007
- keynote speech, "Translating and Trans-Posing: the Crossroads of Power," University of Swansea, Wales, September 17, 2007
- "René Char et la poésie anglo-saxonne,", Centre européen de poésie d'Avignon, July 14, 2007
- Poets Reading In Honor Of The Demoiselles D'Avignon, MoMA, May 23, 2007
- "Surrealism and Love," Israel Museum, Jerusalem, May 1, 2007
- "Make It New: Retranslating Great Literature," PEN panel discussion, April 26, 2007
- "The Art of Trans-posing," Translations/Transpositions conference (in honor of Rosemary Lloyd), Cambridge University, March 29, 2007
- "Yves Bonnefoy en Communication," Bordeaux, February 7, 2007
- Chair of 4th DC International Poetry Festival panels, including Panel on Translation, at Chapters: A Literary Bookstore and National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington DC, November 11, 2007
- "The Object of Dada," "The Subject of Surrealism," and "Picasso's Problem," University of Buffalo, October 24-26, 2006
- "Traveling and Translating with Jacques Derrida," Winnipeg, Derrida conference, October 4-7, 2006
- "Looking Anew: Surrealism Today," University of Kansas, October 5, 2006
- "What is(are) Dada/Surrealism?" and "Picasso's Problem", Missouri Southern State University - Joplin, September 28-29, 2007
- panelist on "Connecting the Dadaists: An interdisciplinary afterword to MoMa's Dada exhibit", sponsored by the Center for the Humanities, Graduate Center CUNY, September 18, 2006
- "Proust's Hawthorn Experience," Bellagio, Italy, September 9, 2006
- Translation and Passion ("Passion pour Traduire"), Aix, France, July 2006
- "The Object of Dada," University of Wales, Swansea, July 7, 2006
- Surrealist Gaming, College Art Association annual conference, Boston, February 24, 2006
- Robert Desnos, Amiens, France, March 9 2006
- Dali and Duchamp--Possible Impossibles: Oh, Those Surrealist Objects!, Modernist Studies Association conference, Chicago, November 5, 2005
- Picasso et ses amis (in French), National Arts Club, November 17, 2005
- Keynote address Art and Text, Southern Central Modern Language Association, Houston, October 28, 2005
- The Socratic Method and Virginia Woolf, (sponsored by the NEH) Villanova University, October 21, 2005
- Eccentric Women Writing and Painting, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, October 17, 2005
- Moderation of panel France and the US, National Arts Club, September 19, 2005
- Participant in The Dream and the Painted Image: Roundtable on Surrealism at the National Academy Museum, Wednesday, May 4th, 2005
- Reading of the memoir To the Boathouse, New Hanover County Public Library, Wilmington NC, April 30, 2005
- Readings by poets, from the Yale Anthology of 20th Century French Poetry, Poetry Society of America, March 31, 2005
- "Surrealizing Photography," The National Portrait Gallery, London, March 17, 2005
- On the Poetry of Art by Jean Tardieu, Lyon, March 10-11, 2005
- "Surrealism Still," Vanderbilt University, February 17, 2005
- "A Double Valentine Celebration", including the Yale Anthology of 20th Century French Poetry, CUNY Skylight Room, 365 5th Ave NY NY, February 14, 2005, 6pm
- Academic Women and Their Memoirs, Columbia University, February 11, 2005
- Celebrating Jacques Derrida, NYU, January 21, 2005
- seminar on Proust and Mallarme, and what lasts and the Cummings Lecture (public lectures on Surrealism), McGill University, Nov. 17 and 18, 2004
- Reading and discussion of the memoir To the Boathouse, at Chapters bookstore, Washington, November 6, 2004; Chicago Humanities Festival, November 14, 2004; National Arts Club, December 8, 2004
- Interview with Nicole Brossard (French Canadian poet), Poets House, November 9, 2004
- "On Claude Cahun," University of Sussex, video taping, June, 2004
- "Re-Visiting Bloomsbury," Virginia Woolf International Conference, London, June 24, 2004
- Poetry reading (from the Yale Anthology of French Twentieth Century Poetry) for "World in Translation Month," Pete's Candy Store, Brooklyn, May, 2004
- "Nathalie Sarraute: Reading Others," Barnard College, April 2, 2004
- "Proust's World," Beaux-Arts Alliance, March, 2004
- "Seeing Proust Seeing," Colony Club, March 2, 2004
- "Seeing Proust Seeing," and "Some Extraordinary Women: Claude Cahun, Emily Carr, Suzanne Valadon," Indiana University, February 23 & 24, 2004
- "Anthology-making" and "Seeing Poetry" MLA, San Diego, December, 2003
- "Robert Motherwell: a Painter's World, Cameron Museum, Wilmington, N.C., November 21, 2003
- "Joseph Cornell," Chicago Humanities Festival (Poetry Society of America lecture, with Mark Strand, Lydia Davis), November, 2003
- "Le Monde de Proust", National Arts Club, November 17, 2003
- "Proust, Saving Time" Chicago Humanities Festival, November 8, 2003
- "Robert Motherwell and Pontigny," Mt. Holyoke College, November 7, 2003
- "Personal Training in Translation," Williams College, November 1, 2003
- "Boxing with Joseph Cornell," Graduate Center, CUNY, October 31, 2003
- "Seeing Proust Seeing," Cooper Union, October 24, 2003
- "Proust's Influence on Virginia Woolf," Mercantile Library, New York, September 24, 2003
- "Que peut nous dire la poésie aujourd'hui?t?" (conference on modern French poetry), University College, Dublin, September 5, 2003
- "Henri Peyre's Yale," for Yale Alumni, April 4, 2003
- "Teaching, Text, Translation," Graduate Center, CUNY, March 21, 2003
- "Surrealism in the Books," Toledo Art Museum, March 1, 2003
- "Not Just the Weeping Woman: photography as autobiography," February 21, Graduate Center, CUNY
- "Ellipsis in Symbolist Translation: Whistler and Mallarmé," College Art Association, Feb. 2003
- "Surrealist Love," Chicago Humanities Festival, Oct. 9, 2002
- "The Fashion of Modernism," International Fashion Conference, October, 2002
- "DADA!" Works in Process Guggenheim Museum (New York), October 21-22, 2002
- "Modernism and the Visual Arts," Modernism Conference, October 31, 2002
- "Modernism and the Visual Arts," University of Florida, September 21, 2002
- "Textus Interruptus," : Comparative Literature: 19th century, Modern Language Association, 2001
- Chair of panel on Art and Autobiography, Modern Language Association, 2001
- "Dora Maar With and Without Picasso," September 4, The Mount, Lenox, Massachusetts, 2001
- "Whistler, Wharton, and my Grandmother: Where it All Was," Mona Bismarck Foundation, Paris, July 23, 2001
- "Virginia Woolf: l'intergenre," Cerisy-la-Salle, France, July 8, 2001
- "Ezra Pound: Writer as Translator," Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, July 6, 2001
- "Biography Writing: Dora Maar," Charleston Festival, Sussex, England, May 28, 2001
- "Forget Picasso: Writing Dora Maar," Women Writing Women's Lives celebration, March, 2001
- "Already Hyping: the Object of Surrealism," College Art Association, Chicago, February, 2001
- "Mallarmé in Bloomsbury," British Academy, January 29, 2000
- "Self-Picturing and Authenticity: the Woman Photographer," Winnipeg Art Museum, February 6, 2000
- "Surrealism and Scandal," for The Art of Scandal, CUNY Graduate School, March 24, 2000
- "Scandalizing Surrealism and Ourselves," Washington, Modern Language Association, Dec. 19, 2000
- "Dora Maar: Life and Layout for the Minotaur," Women Writing Women's Lives 10th Anniversary Celebration, December 8, 2000
- " Dora Maar," National Arts Club, New York, December 5, 2000
- "Singularité de René Crevel," Université de Bordeaux, November 21, 2000
- "The Destiny of Robert Desnos," Institute of Romance Studies, London, University of London, November 17, 2000
- "Not just the Weeping Woman: Dora Maar," Tate Modern Museum, London, November 17, 2000
- "Yves Bonnefoy et Stéphane Mallarme," Universite de Tours, November 14, 2000
- "The Modernist Art of Sarah Austin," Cosmopolitan Club, New York, November 7, 2000
- "Vita Sackville-West: Her Tower and Travels," Graduate Center, CUNY, Sept.15, 2000
- "Le Regard de Robert Desnos," Cerisy-la-Salle, July, 2000
- "Slip-Ups: Translating Surrealism," West Dean, England, keynote lecture for Surrealism Laid Bare Too May 20, 2000
- "Bloomsbury and France," Appalachian State, April 14, 2000
- "Modern and Contemporary French Painting," French Institute, March 4, 2000
- "The Voice of the Other," Modern Language Association, December, 1999
- "Bloomsbury et la France," National Arts Club, December 17, 1999
- "Mallarmé in Bloomsbury," University of Montreal, November 12, 1999
- "Suzanne Valadon: Not Just His Mummy," Bloomington, Indiana, September 8, 1999
- "On Yves Bonnefoy," Dalhousie University, September, 1999
- University of St. Louis, April, 1999, series of lectures: "From Mallarmé to Modernism," "The Surrealist Look," "Proust and his Painters," "Bloomsbury and France"
- "Expressionism and Modernism," St Louis Art Museum, April 6, 1999
- "Triangular Translation," Philadelphia, April 1, 1999
- "Mallarmé's Modes," "Graduate School, City University of New York, February, 1999
- "Virginia's Things: Object Lessons," Virginia Woolf Conference, Bordeaux, France, January, 1999
- "Beckett Translating," Modern Language Association, December, 1998
- "Bloomsbury's Mallarmé," keynote lecture, Mallarmé conference, Melbourne, Australia, October, 1998
- "Surrealism Now," University of Monash, Melbourne, Australia, October, 1998
- "When is Looking Finding? Translating Surrealism," Colloquium on Translation, Manchester, England, October, 1998
- "Proust's Painters," annual Proust lecture, Mercantile Library, October, 1998
- "Garder le silence ou parler?" colloquium on "La France sous l'occupation," Cassis, Camargo Foundation, June, 1998
- "Conversation in Biography," Women's Biography Seminar, May, 1998
- "Unfolding Mallarmé," University of Pennsylvania, May, 1998
- "Mallarmé's Coup de Dés," Cedarcrest University, April, 1998
- "Looking at Surrealist Woman," first Modern Languages and Literature Pennimann Lecture Trinity College, March, 1998
- "Surrealism in a Woman's View," keynote lecture, NYU Student Conference, March, 1998
- "Looking at Surrealist Woman," Humanities Institute, State University at Stony Brook, February, 1998
- "Bloomsbury and France, Illustrated," Columbia University, 1997
- "The English Fold: From the Pre-Raphaelites to Bloomsbury," Atlanta, SAMLA, November, 1997
- "Bloombury Friends," Colony Club, New York, November, 1997
- "The Surrealist Look: An Erotics of Encounter," SUNY Purchase, Humanities Lecture, April, 1997
- "What's the Indifference?" Graduate School, 20th Century Seminar, February, 1997 (reply to Wayne Koestenbaum)
- "Problematics of the Pleat," College Art Association, 1997, New York
- "Carrington and Vanessa: Painting the Bloomsbury Landscape," The Mount, Massachusetts, 1996
- "Mallarmé and his Artistic Progeny," Stanford, 1996
- "Where do we go from here? A Book, A Garden, An Installation," Panel at Modern Language Association, 1996
- "Edith Wharton and John Ruskin: Autobiographical Lies," Yale University, April 28, 1995
- "The Ethics of Translation," keynote address for "Translation in Film and Literature," Manchester, University of Salford, April, 1995
- "Seeing in Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse and The Waves," Manchester, University of Salford, March, 1995
- "Yves Bonnefoy, Sostenuto," Bonnefoy conference, Graduate School, March 24, 1995
- "Translation and the Art of Friendship, Signed Mallarmé and Whistler," Graduate School, Distinguished Professors Series, March 22, 1995
- "Sujet bref, poème long," Université de Bordeaux, March 16, 1995
- Chair, French Dance and Text, Graduate School, March 14, 1995
- "Bloomsbury and the Art of Modernism," Washington College, February 21, 1995
- "Reading Women, Writing Women," Washington College, February 21, 1995
- "On Pointing," College Art Association, San Antonio, January 25, 1995
- "The Ethics of Translation," Modern Language Association, December, 1994
- "Sight Lines," keynote address, Southeastern Modern Language Association, November, 1994
- "Virginia Woolf, Roger Fry, and France," Women's Studies, Graduate School, November, 1994
- "What Was Modern French Poetry, and Why Did It Matter?" Indiana University, October 1994
- "Max Jacob Now," NYU, October, 1994
- "Elevenses with Whistler and Mallarmé," Indiana University, September, 1994
- "Roger Fry, Modernism, and the Bloomsbury Group," Mercantile Library, New York, April 6, 1994
- "Imitation," for the Université d'Amiens, January, 1994
- "Symbolisme/Impressionisme," for the Université d'Amiens, January, 1994
- "Lire texte et image: du Baroque jusqu'au présent" - course for the DEA, December-February, 1993-4, Université de Paris VII
- Chair, "Poets Reading New York City," Modern Language Association, December, 1992
- "How Did We Get Here (and where are we?): Surrealism, Feminism, and Some Other Arts," University of Connecticut, November 12, 1992
- "What Happened to the Twentieth Century?" Graduate School, November 6, 1992
- "The Pleasures of Marcel Proust," Mercantile Library, November 4, 1992
- Chair, panel for conference "Out of the Academy and Into the World, with Carolyn G. Heilbrun," October 30, 1992
- "Supports/Surface, and Contemporary Art Criticism," Halifax, Nova Scotia, September, 1992
- "How to See," keynote address, Canadian Comparative Literature Association, Ottowa, June 1, 1992
- "Music and Poetry," Round Table with Pierre Boulez, UCLA, May 11, 1992
- "The Open and the Closed," American Comparative Literature Association, April, 1992
- Chair, "Art in New York" section for conference on French Exiles in New York, Columbia University, April, 1992
- "Remembering Motherwell Remembering: The Surrealists in New York," Twentieth Century Conference, Colorado, April, 1992
- Chair, Conference on "Windows," Graduate Center, CUNY, March, 1992
- "What She Means to Us," Keynote address, conference on "Virginia Woolf and After," Institute for Contemporary Art, London, February 22, 1992 ( Massachusetts Review, September 1992)
- Chair, "Poems: Do We Still Talk about Them?" Modern Language Association, December, 1991
- "Criticism Personal and Interpersonal," Modern Language Association, December, 1991
- chair, "Fashion," in Nineteenth Century French Studies Colloquium, New Orleans, 1991
- "Reading the New World: Baroque, Romantic, and Surrealist Literature and Art," De Menil Collection, Houston, November, 1991
- "Remembering Robert Motherwell," Metropolitan Museum of Art, Memorial Service, October, 1991
- "Parole de peintre: Joseph Cornell et Robert Motherwell," Chateau de la Bretesche, Brittany, June, 1991
- "Rage Begins at Home," opening address for conference on Feminism and Rage, CUNY Graduate Center, May, 1991 (Massachusetts Review, 1993)
- "Making Space," response to keynote address at International Conference on Philosophy and Literature, Universite de Montreal, May, 1991
- "L'oeil fixe, les yeux croisés," Lecture at Beaubourg Center, May 25, 1991
- "Open Art, Open Texts," Fordham University, April, 1991
- "Sideways," for panel on marginalization of contemporary poetry, American Comparative Literature Association, San Diego, March, 1991
- chair, "Translations and their Work," American Comparative Literature Association, San Diego, March, 1991
- "Taking some Roads: French Painters and their Poets," Twentieth-Century French Conference, Austin, Texas, March, 1991
- chair, "French Poetry in the Twentieth Century," Austin, Texas, March, 1991
- chair, panel discussion on André Malraux, CUNY Graduate Center, February, 1991
- "Talking about Art," Bryn Mawr college symposium, February, 1991
- Presidential address, American Comparative Literature Association, San Diego, 1991
- "Joseph Cornell and the City," Santa Cruz, 1990
- "Joseph Cornell and Robert Motherwell: Two American Lyrics," Getty Center for the History of Art, 1990
- "René Char," Palais des Papes, Avignon, July, 1990
- "Traduire et vivre avec René Char," Jardin de poésie, Avignon, 1990
- "Joseph Cornell," History of Art lecture series, CUNY Graduate School, December, 1990
- chair, "Gender, Politics, and Comparative Literature," Modern Language Association, 1990
- Presidential address, American Comparative Literature Association, Penn State, 1990
- "Stressed Readings and Interference," Los Angeles Artists Association, 1989
- "Women, Art, and Pain," Dartmouth College, July, 1988
- "Against Felling: on Ruskin and Hopkins," Dartmouth College, July, 1988
- "Shifty Eyes: On Change in Contemporary French Poetry and Art," Twentieth Century French
- "Revoir Reverdy," Colloque Reverdy, Paris, June, 1989
- Studies conference on "Revolution," Columbia University, March, 1989
- "Revolutionary Styles," University of Manchester, January, 1989
- "Translating: Rape to Rectitude, and On,"; "Bloomsbury Grouping," and "Women, Art, and Pain," all at the University of Salford, January, 1989
- "Showing and Telling: Criticism in Visual Crisis," Princeton Graduate School of Architecture, December 7, 1988
- "Working, Worrying, Waging," City University : Academy of Humanities and Sciences, December 2, 1988
- "Women of Bloomsbury," University of Texas, November, 1988
- "Stressed Readings," University of Southern California, February, 1988
- "Moral Passion and the Art of Seeing," University of Southern California, February, 1988
- "Knowing and Seeing," Conference on Cognitive Science, Northeastern and MIT, January, 1988
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